The policies and procedures described 在这里in are also described in the Catalog and determine the academic status of students enrolled in the University. 本政策及程序的例外情况,只有在向本署提出要求时才可考虑 教务长办公室.

Classification as a part-time or full-time student is based upon the weekly academic load which the student carries. 注册至少12个学分的本科生被视为全日制学生. 本科生非全日制为6学时.

研究生在注册至少6个学分时被视为全日制学生. 研究生非全日制为3学时.

这些分类适用于所有三个学期: 秋天,春天和夏天!

请注意 : Some 金融援助 is dependent on students carrying a full-time course load and will be prorated if the student carries anything less. 请参阅 金融援助 更多资讯网址.



The University converted from a quarter credit system to a semester system effective beginning in the Fall of 1994. 1994年8月以前完成的工作以标准季时记录. 1994年8月以后完成的工作以学期时计. 四分之一学时用三分之二的因数乘以四分之一学时,可转换为学期学时. 


A record of grade point is kept in the student’s permanent record and used to determine his or her overall scholastic average. 下列成绩以平均绩点计算:


希望对成绩提出异议的学生有一(1)个学期的时间来解决问题. 对成绩进行争论的适当程序, 以及课程的其他方面, 如下:

  1. 学生必须首先与课程的讲师交谈;
  2. 如果解决方案不是学生希望实现的, 接下来的行动是和系主任谈谈这门课;
  3. Again if the outcome from addressing the issue with the department chair is not what the student hopes to achieve, 然后,学生应向该课程所在学院的院长提出问题;
  4.  最后, 如果这个决心不是学生希望实现的, 最后也是最后的办法就是和教务长谈谈. 教务长的裁决是终局的,学生不再有异议.


学生可以重修一门课程来提高之前的成绩, 该课程必须在劳伦斯理工学院完成.  Students should be aware that the most recent grade will be the grade of record whether or not it is the highest grade earned.

直到及格为止, all grades for earlier attempts in a course will appear on the transcript and will be computed into the grade point average. 一旦通过了一门课程, 只有最近一次尝试的学分和成绩将反映在平均成绩中.

为了重新计算平均绩点, 最近一次尝试的课程必须与成绩单上最初显示的课程相同. Directed study or special topics courses may not be eligible for the repeat process as the topic of study may vary from one course to another.

Students who have been found in violation of the 学术荣誉守则 and receive an inclusive final grade of “F” for that course are not eligible for the repeat process.

大学不保证将来会开设该课程. 因此, 学生将没有资格重新计算大学不再提供的课程.

The recalculation of the grade point average is an automated process within Enrollment Services/司法常务官办公室; the student is not required to submit any paperwork.


研究生 students can repeat one course during their academic career and have the grade removed from the grade point average. The following grades may be repeated and the grade point average recalculated at the graduate level: A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, F和WF. 最近一次尝试的结果一定是及格. 在那之前, 所有成绩都将出现在成绩单上,并将包括在平均成绩点中.

研究生阶段的重复程序不是自动的,需要院系批准. A request for a repeated course to be removed from the grade point average should be submitted to your department chairperson. 您可以通过单击获取表单 在这里.

重新计算, the latest attempt must be the same course as the first and must be part of the University’s normal course offerings. 定向研究或特殊部分不得用于重新计算的目的.

The University does not represent that a course will be offered in a future semester and may be deleted from the curriculum which subsequently may not be recomputed.

当重新计算完成时, 只有最近一次尝试的学分和成绩将反映在平均成绩中 (assuming the grade received is passing). Courses that are not counted in the grade point average are indicated by an “E” (for exclude) in the column that is labeled “R” (for repeat). 通过的课程将在同一栏中有一个“I”(表示包括).

为了更好地理解以下项目/政策, 劳伦斯科技公司定义了程序, 学位, 主要, 小, 浓度, 证书, 还有我们的信用时制政策.


Any 利记sbo (利记sbo) student may choose to identify themselves with a preferred first name (also known as a lived / chosen name) that differs from their legal name to be used whenever possible in the course of university business and education.  一个人喜欢用不同的名字的原因有很多,包括, 但不限于:变性人, 性别认同与出生时的性别不同的, 幸存的滥用/交易, 或者因为他们是国际学生而有一个与他们的法定名称不同的名字.

A student’s preferred first name will appear instead of the person’s legal first name in 利记sbo systems, 记录, 如有可能,文件包括:

  • 类花名册
  • 大学身份证
  • Canvas
  • 如果学生在完成毕业申请时要求提供文凭
  • 在校园住房名册上
  • 赞助俱乐部、组织、活动和项目
  • 新闻稿
  • 受到建议的人报告
  • 学位审核报告
  • 留学注册
  • 定位调度
  • 课程评价
  • 健康计划
  • 适用的内部调查
  • 体育和校内花名册
  • 音乐和戏剧相关活动节目
  • 大学官方活动宣传资料
  • 其他大学活动及刊物(视情况而定)

然而, 除非学生自行更改其法定名称, 学生的法定姓名将继续按照法律要求出现在以下利记sbo系统中, 记录, 和文件:

  • 经济援助记录
  • 成绩单
  • 工资记录
  • 背景调查
  • 承包与采购
  • 移民文件
  • 医疗及保险记录
  • 遵守传票
  • 申请及使用退伍军人福利
  • 为内部和外部审计过程提供合规报告
  • 密歇根州规定的合规性报告要求
  • 美国政府授权实体规定的合规性报告要求

使用首选名不能出于虚假陈述或欺诈的目的.  Inappropriate usage of the preferred name policy (including but not limited to avoiding a legal obligation or choosing a name interpreted as offensive) will result in removal of the preferred name.   首选名必须符合所有利记sbo策略.

提交首选名称后, 学生可免费获得附有首选姓名的新身份证.  学生可通过电子邮件申请更新身份证,并注明首选姓名 Subsequent preferred name changes by the same student may result in a reasonable charge to obtain a new ID card. The preferred first name can be removed at any time by a written request from the student to Academic and Student Records at

要指定首选的名字,请填写找到的表格 在这里. 将填妥的表格交回

利记sbo保留例外的权利, 修改, 或取消此政策和/或其内容. 本文件取代与本主题相关的所有先前的政策或指导方针.


  • 性别认同:一个人对自我和性别的内在感觉, 不管那是人, 女人, 两者都没有
  • 法定名称:在官方记录上被认可的人的名字, especially as recorded on a birth certificate or the name that can be changed through the legal process
  • 首选/生前/选择的名字:一个自己选择的名字,用来代替合法的名字
  • Transgender / Trans: Describes a person whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth
  • Non-binary: An umbrella term for gender identifications other than “女人” or “man” including genders with aspects of both or neither

利记sbo(利记sbo)需要记录学生的合法性别.  这些信息是在学生申请利记sbo时获得的,并且 仅用于报告目的.   利记sbo also recognizes and appreciates that a student may identify themselves by a different gender that should be used whenever possible in the course of university business and education.

A student can record their Gender Designation within our Student Information System (SIS) to reflect the gender identity that best fits the student.  此时,在SIS上有五种可能的性别身份可供选择.  这五种性别认同是:

  1. 女性——与法律上的性别有关
  2. 男性——与法定性别有关
  3. 跨性别女性——出生时法定性别是男性,性别认同是女性
  4. 变性人——出生时法定性别是女性,性别认同是男性
  5. Non-binary – An umbrella term for gender identifications other than “女人” or “man” including genders with aspects of both or neither


要记录性别指定,请填写找到的表格 在这里.


  • 法定性别:一个人出生时被指定的性别
  • 性别认同:一个人对自我和性别的内在感觉, 不管那是人, 女人, 两者都没有
  • 首选/生前/选择的名字:一个自己选择的名字,用来代替合法的名字
  • Transgender / Trans: Describes a person whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth
  • Non-binary: An umbrella term for gender identifications other than “女人” or “man” including genders with aspects of both or neither

利记sbo保留例外的权利, 修改, 或取消此政策和/或其内容. 本文件取代与本主题相关的所有先前的政策或指导方针.

利记sbo (利记sbo) recognizes addressing someone by their correct pronouns is one of the most basic ways to show respect for their gender identity. 利记sbo strives to not assume someone’s pronouns and to use the correct pronouns for students in every possible aspect of university business and education.

利记sbo(利记sbo)的学生可以指定自己的代词. The pronouns selected by the student will be used in all possible areas of university business and education to guide faculty, 工作人员和管理人员对学生的代词.  学生代词目前出现在我们的咨询网站Canvas和各种报告中.   学生可以指定的代词有:

  1. 他/他/他的
  2. 她/她/她的
  3. 他们/他们/他们的
  4. 他/他们
  5. 她/他/他们
  6. 她/他们

要指定你的代词,请完成下面的表格 在这里.


  • 性别认同:一个人对自我和性别的内在感觉, 不管那是人, 女人, 两者都没有

利记sbo保留例外的权利, 修改, 或取消此政策和/或其内容. 本文件取代与本主题相关的所有先前的政策或指导方针.