
BootcampCompTIA Certification Training: A+, Network+, Security+


According to CompTIA’s State of the Tech Workforce, 在美国,技术职业的工资中位数比全国工资中位数高103%.S., 未来十年,科技工作岗位的预计增长率几乎是全国就业增长率的两倍. 成为一名经过认证的CompTIA专业人士,通过我们与CompTIA a +相一致的全面培训计划,将您的职业生涯提升到一个新的水平, Network+, and Security+ certification exams.





我们的A+认证培训提供了围绕多个操作系统的基本概念的全面概述, enabling you to efficiently maintain, troubleshoot, and adapt to different technology platforms. 我们的网络+认证培训教授形成现代网络的基本构建模块, such as hardware, topologies, and protocols, 以及对OSI模型的介绍-本课程为您在IT行业的成功做好准备. 

安全+认证部分涵盖了识别所需的基本知识和技能, assess, and mitigate security risks in modern IT environments. 本课程提供了网络安全的关键概念和最佳实践的全面概述. Upon completion, you will receive an exam voucher for each certification exam, covering the costs to sit for the certifying exams upon eligibility. 

Job Outlook for CompTIA Certified Professionals

Based on the 2023 Salary Survey conducted by Certification Magazine, the average salary for CompTIA A+ certification holders is $108,170 in the U.S. and $99,980 worldwide. However, 实际工资可能会因工作年限和工作地点等因素而有所不同. 

According to Lightcast data, $61,600 is the average salary across all jobs requiring the Network+ qualification. CompTIA notes that a network system analyst can earn $92,740 annually, followed by a network administrator at $86,340 annually, and a network support specialist at $67,510. CompTIA Network+ annual salaries can reach as high as $144,000 and as low as $28,500. Pay is based on skill level, location, and years of experience. 

拥有CompTIA Security+认证的IT专业人员所从事的大多数工作都属于美国的安全标准.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)分类的网络和计算机系统管理员. The BLS reports that jobs in this category earn a median annual salary of $80,600.

CompTIA™ A+, Network+ and Security+ Certification FAQs

The A+, Network+ and Security+ certifications are sequential. A+ focuses on devices; Network+ is dedicated to the hardware, software and protocols for networking; and Security+ adds the layer of core security functions across devices, networks, and the organizations that deploy them.

CompTIA calls the A+, “网络+”和“安全+”顺序“堆叠”凭证,验证三个学科的基线技能:设备, networks, and security. 每个单独的认证都被认为是其所在领域能力的独立信号.

According to CompTIA, A+认证通常与基础或入门级支持职位(如服务台分析师)相关, technical support specialist, field service technician, associate network engineer, data support technician, desktop support administrator, end-user computing technician, help desk technician, or system support specialist.

According to CompTIA, Network+认证通常与网络管理员等职位相关, network field engineer, computer technician, help desk technician, system engineer, network support specialist, or network analyst.

According to CompTIA, Security+认证通常与初级IT审计员或渗透测试员职位相关. 其他头衔可能包括系统管理员、网络管理员或安全管理员.

Course Objectives

  • 掌握多种操作系统的基本概念,有效维护和支持操作系统 
  • 培养软件、硬件、连接和网络问题的故障排除技能
  • Gain in-depth knowledge about assembling and disassembling computer parts
  • Learn how to compare network types, topologies, and architectures
  • Acquire knowledge and skills in networking hardware, tools, and their installation for effective network setup
  • Understand TCP/IP functionality, protocols, and IP addressing concepts, including subnetting and VLANs
  • Explore cloud computing, virtualization, and remote access systems and methods
  • Discover network performance monitoring tools and practices
  • Develop expertise in network safety, security threats, vulnerability assessments, and mitigation strategies
  • 对计算机安全概念、网络策略和文档有扎实的理解
  • Learn incident preparation, response, and risk management for network security

Prerequisites and Certification Requirements 

There are no prerequisites to enroll in this course. 但是,你应该对计算机硬件和操作系统有基本的了解. For example, how to power up and log on to a machine, use a mouse and keyboard, and basic Microsoft Windows navigation skills.  

CompTIA建议所有参加A+考试的申请人在参加认证考试之前至少有12个月的实验室或现场实践经验. 他们还要求拥有A+认证,并至少有9到12个月的初级网络管理员/网络支持技术人员的实际工作经验,以完成网络+认证考试. CompTIA建议至少有9到12个月的网络经验和两年以安全为重点的IT管理经验才能参加security +认证考试.


Linda Matthews

Linda Matthews在课堂教学技术材料和解决无数技术问题方面都有多年的经验.

琳达拥有通过教学和智力焦点深入从事网络安全的背景. 在过去的八年里,她一直生活在这个庞大而迷人的知识体系中. Now, 她定期在CompTIA和微软最受欢迎的几门安全课程中培训个人. CompTIA的Security+是学生开启不可思议的网络安全之旅所需的基础课程.

Sara Perrott

萨拉·佩罗特(Sara Perrott)在信息技术领域工作了20多年,并在过去的10年里专注于网络安全. She is a published author and a former college professor, 她对教育下一代网络安全专业人员充满热情. Sara拥有Western Governors University Washington的网络安全和信息保障理学硕士学位,以及University of Phoenix的信息系统安全理学学士学位.

Paula Woodall

保拉·伍德尔30年前开始了她的技术生涯,担任网络和计算机顾问. 她首先在当地的一所大学教书,然后参加了CompTIA和微软的考试,教授认证课程. 宝拉有幸在世界各地为惠普和微软等公司教授这些课程. Paula喜欢教有关计算机和网络的课程,并与学生谈论他们的公司如何将这些技术应用于他们.

Registration and Enrollment

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