
Assistive technology can make completing work easier and accessible. Below is a list of assistive technology that can help you in several categories, 比如记笔记, 阅读, 和学习. Many of these websites and apps are free! Refer to each category for a selection of websites and apps that provide support for accomplishing goals and tasks.

  • Otterai : Allows you to record, transcribe, and share audio recordings and voice transcriptions. 
    • 价格:付费和免费选项
    • 兼容性:iOS, Android, and Chrome Extension
  • 微软电子记事本 : Take all of your notes in OneNote by typing, 用触摸屏书写, 导入图片, video, 链接, 还有其他资源. It also includes an option to record audio.
    • 价格:免费 as an add-on with Microsoft
    • Compatibility: Windows, Mac, IOS, and Android 
  • Evernote : Collaborative and interactive notetaking app with the ability to import, 组织, 分享笔记, 图片, 和文件.
    • 价格:付费和免费选项
    • Compatibility: Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android
  • 访问注意 : AccessNote is the official iOS notetaker from the American Foundation for the Blind. 中创建注释 .txt files and is compatible with both QWERTY and refreshable braille display keyboards. 
    • 价格:免费
    • 兼容性:iOS
  • Chegg准备:  Find, create, and study flashcards for your classes.  
    • 价格:免费
    • 兼容性:iOS, Android, and Online
  • 可汗学院 : Offers instructional videos and practice exercises on a variety of academic topics.
    • 价格:免费
    • 兼容性:iOS, Android, and Online
  • Quizlet : Create personalized sets of flashcards to quiz yourself and receive reminders to review material.
    • 价格:免费
    • 兼容性:iOS, Android, and Online
  • 谷歌日历 记录你的课程, 会议, and other events in an online calendar with the option to set reminders before they begin.
    • 价格:免费
    • 兼容性:iOS, Android, and Online
  • 记住牛奶 : Create and manage task lists in order of priorities, 子任务, 到期日期, 时间估计, 标签, 重复任务. Then, receive reminders through Gmail, 谷歌日历, Evernote, Outlook, and more.
    • 价格:免费
    • 兼容性:iOS, Android, Windows, and Online
  • Todoist :创建任务列表, 委托任务, 设定每日和每周的目标, and view visual progress on completed tasks. 
    • 价格:免费和付费
    • 兼容性:iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows
    • 自由 : App and website blocker with the option to either block websites immediately or schedule reoccurring sessions.
      • 价格:免费和付费
      • Compatibility: IOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Chromebook, and Linux
  • StayFocusd : A Chrome extension that limits the amount of time that may be spent on designated websites to increase productivity. 
    • 价格:免费
    • 兼容性:Chrome扩展
  • 身临其境的读者 : Provides 阅读 support through enhanced dictation, 集中模式, 身临其境的阅读, 字体间距, 短行, 词性支持, 音节划分法, 理解模式
    • 价格:免费 add on through Microsoft Office
    • Compatibility: Windows, iOS, and Edge Browser
  • 自然的读者 : A free screen reader for you to upload text and documents or convert to mp3 to listen to anywhere anytime.
    • 价格:免费
    • 兼容性:iOS, Android, and Online
  • 喋喋不休地说 : Text-to-speech 阅读 assistant for online content and PDF uploads.
    • 价格:免费 trial, afterwards plans start at 11.59/month for an annual subscription
    • 兼容性:iOS, Android, Online
  • InnoCaption + : A free captioning service for deaf and hard of hearing individuals, funded by the FCC (Federal Communication Commission). The app provides free, real-time captioning to users who register and certify their disability.
    • 价格:免费
    • 兼容性:iOS和Android
  • CaptionMate : A free service for deaf and hard of hearing individuals, funded by the FCC that transcribes phone calls on smartphones, 固定电话, 平板电脑, 实时的计算机. The app is free to users who register and certify their disability.
    • 价格:免费
    • 兼容性:iOS和Android
  • 艾娃 : Provides live-captioning for in-person 会议 and virtual calls on computers and smartphones. 
    • 价格:免费试用,然后付费
    • 兼容性:iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac


Try these templates and graphic 组织rs for assistance with studying, 时间管理, 项目管理. PDF资源取自  LDadvisory.com  (伊丽莎白Hamblet).

Time management and Studying Tools:
研究-阅读跟踪工具   - this database and accompanying table are designed to help you keep track of the publication information you need to complete a list of references for research papers and to store notes on the articles you read in an 组织d way.