

很好奇. 让魔法.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

亚瑟C. 克拉克

好奇心让我们想知道未来会是什么样子. It is wandering in the visions of the future– and sometimes getting lost in them. When acknowledged, it has the power to 改变 the world.

Magic is the phenomenon of making abstract ideas concrete and making imagination a reality, 通过研究, 实践, 以及探索的动力, 好奇心播下种子. 魔术就是技术. Without technology, wondering, imagining, and believing are all we will ever be. 但当好奇心和科技相结合时, 只要有决心,一切皆有可能, 毅力, 改变, 以及正确的工具. 

利记sbo, students are provided with the tools that allow their curiosity to cross the line between magic and technology; as long as you think, 有远见, 和实施, 可能等待. 利记sbo President Tarek Sobh puts it this way: “Creativity has always been in the DNA of Lawrence Tech. 我们的教职员工都很有创造力, and are able to very rapidly come up with new degree programs, 专业发展机会, 新的研究范式, 和设计, 创建, and invent significant projects of significant intellectual merit and broader impact.” 

除了讲座, 利记sbo professors foster students' imaginations and have a significant impact on kindling students’ curiosity and encouraging inventiveness. 利记sbo students are unique; they are different; they are explorers. Their curiosity defines them as they diligently embark on research, 跨学科和体验式教育, becoming scholars in their discipline and productive and innovative professionals of the future.

利记sbo’s new marketing campaign was 创建d to illustrate the university as an institution that supports students’ curiosity, 创新, 和激情, allowing students to transform them from aspirations into rewarding, 有意义的职业. 学生们将这种好奇心带入课堂, 实习, 合作社, 工作努力, 志愿服务工作, 和更多的. 利记sbo not only fosters such curiosity but also enables students to 创建 magic in all they do– in the classroom, 在实验室, 而参与的时候就有意义了, 开创性的研究.

Students are provided with the tools that allow their curiosity to cross the line between magic and technology; as long as you think, 有远见, 和实施, 可能等待.

The curiosity of 利记sbo students is encouraged from students’ first days on campus. President Sobh says the new campaign “describes very seamlessly what our institution and our students and alumni are about. We are a curious institution exploring the future and programming for the future, 总是想知道未来会怎样. Our students are curious, and our alumni are curious and never cease to learn. 而我们,作为一个机构,创造奇迹.”


这场运动的过程是一个发现的过程, 解释, 以及利记sbo遗产的实施, 目前, 以及对未来成功的期望. The decision came down to what made 利记sbo students unique and what made their skills stand out. 比尔·摩登说, TMV的管理合伙人, the marketing firm that collaborated with 黄旗制作公司 to develop the campaign: “A lot of people think creativity just happens. But our process is a bit of a three–pronged step of discovery, 解释, 然后是实现. 在发现阶段, 我们经常问的一个问题是, 你卖的是什么,提供的是什么?“我们卖的是教育, but what we're really providing is having curious people come here and make magic [and 改变 the world]. And we think [this] is a highly emotional conversation to have. 你猜怎么着? 在(高等教育界)没有人这么说.” 

“It’s going from ‘I always wanted to do that as a kid’ to 'I can get the education I need to be able to do this.’”


The campaign emphasizes the tools and resources 利记sbo has to help students embark on such a metamorphic journey– it is an institution where faculty and staff unite on the mission of fostering student success and their ability to 创建 a better, 更安全的, 更可持续的世界.

利记sbo has always been on a mission to 改变 lives to better society, 社区, 和家庭, so the timing of the new tagline is perfect with new leadership 改变s underway for the institution. “This campaign is the first step in a continuing series of curiosity and magic,卢Bitonti说, 黄旗制作公司总裁, 利记sbo的营销团队.

“What we're trying to do is capture that curiosity part, but also explain that the tools you get from Lawrence Tech allow you to take your curiosity and make it a difference maker. It’s going from ‘I always wanted to do that as a kid’ to 'I can get the education I need to be able to do this.’” Bitonti said the campaign emphasizes and expands 利记sbo's mission, 同时提高意识,欢迎好奇, 询问, 还有好奇的学生.

Imagination and technology together 创建 movement and 改变, and 利记sbo is where you will find out what you are capable of and be motivated to discover your potential. We strive to provide opportunities and continuously propel the future through education and access; we seek to train students to be technologically savvy, 跨学科的, 为未来的创新事业做好准备.

Magic is no longer a figment of our imagination but a lens into our creativity and a drive to turn our curiosity into reality.

作者:Nurzahan Rahman


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